Puppy Shopping List

We recommend and use Kuranda Dog Beds for all our Labs and Puppies! Here’s why!

A shopping list for your new puppy is like a moving target. There’s always something new to add or make life with your new family member a little better. We are always adding items and updating the list. Many of these are recommendations from our puppy parents!

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My husband, Joel and I have been working with and raising Labrador Retrievers for 15 years. I specialize in happy, healthy, well-socialized puppies. Most of my time is spent with our puppies giving them a head start to prepare for their transition home. CaveInn University is designed as an extention of CaveInn Labradors.

Training is an evolution and rewarding journey for people and their pets. My goal is to be a resource for pet parents to assist in a positive transformation when needed for dogs and their people to live in harmony together.


Robin the Wonder Dog