What’s for Summer?

There’s nothing better than baby and puppy pictures, right? Our grandson, Wyatt, will be 8 months old this week. Why do babies and puppies grow so fast? Every day there is a first for this little family. Here he is discovering the pool for the first time.

These last few months have been a bit busier than we prefer. We are very dependent on Mother Nature when it comes to our girl’s heat cycles but we will never choose to have three litters simultaneously again. All it takes is one unforeseen circumstance to change everything.

First of all, Jinx is doing famously! She has bounced back and healed nicely from her bout with mastitis. We learned a lot and are thankful she is doing so well. In a couple months she will be spayed and begin her retired life as a beautiful Labrador. She is just 5 years old and has so much living to do as a dog!

At this time, we have just one female available from Hayzel’s #BurgerJoint. The rest are beginning to travel home. This is a very active group. When introduced to the elephant pool they all dove right in, no fear!

I’ve got so much material to review with puppy pictures and activities that I am a little behind. Puppy pictures don’t spoil or fade away, they will arrive on our video page soon enough. Right now we are enjoying these last days and weeks with the #BurgerJoint.

Once puppies are all home we will have a little down time before AB & Cave introduce little ones to the #CaveInn.

This is very likely Cavedog’s final litter.

If you have been contemplating a puppy sired by Cave this may be the final chance to inquire! Cave is 7 years old and will be getting back out into the woods with Joel in his retirement and accompanying me on nursing home visits as his Mom, Tula and Dad, Robin have done.

Cave has truly filled his dad’s (Robin) paws during these years. He is the best!


#BurgerJoint Bye-Bye


Prayers for Jinx