Prayers for Jinx

Spring arrived just as our puppies were born. Pearle & Cave welcomed 7 gorgeous white puppies on March 23. This was followed by Jinx & Cave puppies on April 6. They welcomed 5 yellow and black beauties to the world. Finally, Hayzel & Rueben (a first time pairing) wowed us with 8 black, yellow, and chocolate babies on Hayzel’s birthday, April 11.

To say the very least it has been busy in every whelping area for the past month. All puppies are healthy and thriving. Pearle’s kids have transitioned to goats milk and now solid puppy mash. They are loving it and growing like crazy. They have been introduced to the Brilliant Pad and are taking to this like rock stars.

This past week has been a challenging time with our beautiful girl Jinx. She developed mastitis which can become severe very quickly. We were doing everything as directed by our vet and had wonderful support from breeder groups as well. Unfortunately, her situation became an emergency by Sunday afternoon. Her fever was down, she was eating and drinking and taking good care of her puppies, but the mammory burst.

Our worst nightmare.

We are fortunate that Iowa State Emergency Veterinary Services is available 24/7. I can’t say enough about the care they provide. Jinx and I made the 2 hour trip to Ames and were immediately taken care of. We were told that she got there just in time and was not septic. Still there was a large wound and her infection needed to be treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic regimen.

It breaks our hearts that she is still in the hospital as I type. She is doing well and they are trying to avoid invasive surgery. Right now they are bandaging her wound and then flushing it each day in hopes the tissue will heal enough so they can suture the wound closed.

Jinx’s 5 puppies were just 10 days old at the time their Momma entered the hospital. We quickly prepared to syringe feed them as they did not have their eyes open nor could they eliminate on their own. These are all things Momma does for them until roughly 2 1/2 weeks of age.

The feeding was difficult and they were not taking to this as we had hoped. We turned to our beautiful white Momma Pearle for help.

After a little encouragement (and some extra special food) Miss Pearle adopted Jinx’s puppies. At first I helped every couple hours to make sure Pearle had all she needed and to make sure puppies were eliminating.

Today, Pearle has completely taken over and Jinx kids are gaining good weight and beginning to pee on their own and open their eyes. Auntie Peale has been a true lifesaver.

How blessed we are to live among such caring creatures.

Prayers for Jinx continue.

We hope to bring her home soon.


What’s for Summer?


So Long Winter