Second Chances

This holiday season has been quiet at the CaveInn. For the first time in a long time we have no little puppy paws to spoil.

We celebrated the birth of our first grandchild in October, and he is a true miracle and blessing in our lives. Wyatt (Mr Bright Eyes) is a smiley, happy soul and for this we are so grateful.

It was a nice break not to be whelping puppies during this time. We had scheduled our red girl, Tessi to be spayed during this quiet time so we could spend the time with her during recovery. Once our Moms are retired we always have them spayed so they can enjoy the rest of their lives without hormonal fluctuations.

On December 13 we experienced a great loss.

On December 13 we brought Tessi in to be spayed. The surgery went well and all was normal with the exception of how unsettled she was. The vet’s office called and said they thought she might be more comfortable at home. Of course we picked her up right away and she laid on her calming bed at my feet for the afternoon. It’s common for a female to be in pain after surgery but she was whimpering more than I would expect. By late afternoon we phoned the clinic. My heart was telling me this was not my girl, nothing ever troubled her. But we agreed to wait an hour and call back. It wasn’t even an hour and she went into distress, she passed on the way to the vet clinic. We are broken. Our beautiful, spirited girl’s earthly journey had come to an end.

This is an unexpected tragedy for us and a difficult one to talk or write about. It’s my nature to research for answers and solve even the unexpected challenges. As we reflect on her passing there is no answer that will magically bring her back. So we will make our way through grief and begin to look forward.

R I P Miss Tessi

It has occurred to us that Tessi’s daughter, our Evvy, will be her second chance. Regardless of the role Evvy grows into at the CaveInn she will always carry on for her beautiful Mom Tessi.


The BrilliantPad


Hayzel Takes a Break