The BrilliantPad

Ellie’s #WinterSportsTeam is keeping us busy as they begin toddling around and looking like little puppies instead of neonates. Our latest introduction has been a revolutionary concept to managing puppy pee and fecal matter. Introducing: The BrilliantPad.

Ellie seemed to guide them over to the pad at first to step up and explore the new surface. Now, just a few days later, they are making it to the pad much of the time. When the pad is full (must be a better way to say that) we simply advance the roll and a fresh surface is ready for more soiled puppy waste.

Our hope is the use of the green grassy pads are behind us. This is far more sanitary and all we do when the roll is finished is put in a new roll. The rolls are completely sealed so we have no debris escaping.

The other benefit is that the #WinterSportsTeam has a paw up on potty training!

Wish us luck!


Angel Eyes


Second Chances